
Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 2 Sunday

Got up at that YWAM base and had some fresh Papaya for breakfast. We packed up our bags and loaded all the tools and food and headed out to Uslutan very remote city about 2 hours out side of the city.

The boys and I rode in the back of the Jon's truck it was a blast I havent ridden in the back of a pickup since my days growing up in mars. The scenery quickly changed from city to beautiful mountains.

The amount of people that live in the small villages that are scattered through
the mountains is amazing.  Adults and children along the side of the road carrying various things riding bikes or waiting to  catch a bus.  Lots of small crowed buses.

Down a few dirt roads and past sugar cane and corn crops and lots of  live stock and wild dogs. We got to the church and unloaded everything. It was hot, not like just regular hot it was really hot and humid.

Here we met Pastor, a man who had grown up in this area and now runs this church. The bakery has been under construction for over a year as they scrape together money to buy the needed supplies to put it together. The people in this village live on less then $2 a day. Our plan is to try and finish off the roof along with building some rock walls were the oven is going to go to keep out some of the mud when it rains.

We get started working on the roof and the boys are just having some fun looking around and Ben decides he is going to climb a coconut tree and he did pretty well that is until he got attacked by about a million ants. He had been bitten over his back and chest, so his Dad and Jon got him into the shower, now that is interesting because their is no running water here, the shower is a shed by a well, you pump the water and get buckets  and use use the buckets to dump the water over you. So Ben went back into town with Jon and stayed at Jon's house and got a  shot of benidryl and will rejoin us on Monday night.

The boys,  Susan and Rina started working on the stone walls and Dave and I the pastor and our intreputers and guides Fran, Adrian and another Fran helped us get started cutting the final trusses for the roof. The wood here is almost as hard at steal! Couple that with some dull drill buts, 2 wooden ladders and the heat and it became a very long process.

Local women came over and made us dinner. Papaus this local dish it is like a pancake filled with beans and chezze. It was very good. We took turns getting in the outdoor shower and then we all got are mats set up on the church floor.

So the team did a great job moving the rocks and built up the walls. The roof well,  we will have to see what we can get done on Monday more to come on that story.

All I can say is wow, this last 12 hours are something I will never forget. The sites the smell and just being in the middle of a place you would see on TV that you would say man that is hard to believe people live there, well let me tell you people live here and the reality of that is shocking.

good night all ....missing my Ryan home in the" classic community" right now in a big way (the same one I make fun of for not being built very well).  That's a joke.

Just final note Ben is doing great so don't worry Chrissy !!!!!
Peace and love G.

Thanks, G.

1 comment:

  1. Gary.. thanks for the photos!
    Please keep us posted and we will continue to pray for all of you... we will even put in a special request for cooler temperatures, right.
    Chrissy and Madison
